Social media has had a massive impact on marketing methods. The real estate industry is one of those that have embraced this exciting development and the best marketing plans now include social media alongside your more traditional advertising.
Some real estate companies are still relying solely on their websites and shop window advertising to attract clients but we have embraced the change in technology to include some social media options in order to reach a wider audience than the traditional advertising on its own.
Facebook is the most popular social network site in terms of it volume of users and there are some very concrete benefits to using this approach to market your property. One of these is the ability to reach a precise target market using the information that Facebook has on its users. Another is the familiarity with the use of social media exhibited by Gen Y, who now make up a large part of the buying market. By advertising through our business page you can target posts to certain user attributes and also get simple analytics about who is engaging with your page content. The cost is little in comparison to the audience target.